Friday, March 30, 2012

Maple Syrup

7x5 oil on panel
Maple Syrup!  This was our first year giving it a go.  It was interesting learning the process and seeing it all come together.  Taking this sweet water and boiling it down into this sweet sticky nectar was, well............ pretty damn sweet!   Talking to people who have done it before said it was fun.  It took 2 days, 10 gallons of sap,  and buttload of patience to produce this one jar O fun.   Well worth it!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Orchid In Bloom

6x6 oil on panel

I'm not sure if I pulled this one off, but decided to post it anyway.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Ceremonial Bells

Here is a work in progress.  This one has been temporarily tossed to the back burner for now. The background blues just aren't doing it for me.  I'm going to eventually bump down the saturation of that blue or maybe change it completely and see what happens.  If that doesn't work, the scissor are coming out and I might cut out the parts I like.  We'll see.